Dette er en skildring av mennesker som i en eller annen forbindelse oppholder seg i Trondheim, for kort eller lang tid. Noen bor her, noen er på besøk, andre er her som turister. Felles er at de i et tidsrom er en del av byen. Samstundes med at de er her og opplever den, er de også med på å forme den, og gi byen innhold og uttrykk.

torsdag 28. juli 2011

Volunteers and professionals

Good spirits the best tool.
The Patriots are an organization for people donating voluntary work for the benefit of events in the city. This was my first encounter with them, and are here represented by Mildrid, Ingrid, Brit and Julie.

Love from Italy.

Primary schools and kindergartens take the opportunity to visit the downtown area. This bunch from Øvre Sjetnan Kindergarten. 

Jon Endre Rånes and Terje Halland ready the main stage at the city square. "We left at 05.00 this morning and started working again at 08.00. Not much sleep, but that's what you have to do to get everything done." A twinkle in his eyes tells me of fondness for his work and enthusiasm for this venue.

Pupils fram Singsaker Primary School gain insight into what it takes to whole roast a pig.

Open for trade and some cheerful conversation.

Nikon D3, Nikkor afs 28-70 2.8d

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