Dette er en skildring av mennesker som i en eller annen forbindelse oppholder seg i Trondheim, for kort eller lang tid. Noen bor her, noen er på besøk, andre er her som turister. Felles er at de i et tidsrom er en del av byen. Samstundes med at de er her og opplever den, er de også med på å forme den, og gi byen innhold og uttrykk.

torsdag 28. juli 2011

A gentle start to the morning

Procession towards the Nidaros Cathedral at the start of The Festival of Saint Olav. 

 Activity and people slowly flows into the city. A selection of people from different walks of life sharing a street corner ;) 
Strolling towards the town square.
Tranquil holiday mood for the joint family of Vercruysse and Akvarstein. They have made their way here from the town of Tromsø of Northern Norway. Kids and adults look forward to enjoy the large indoor swimming pool of Pirbadet, and to absorb the atmosphere of everything that takes place in Trondheim these days.

Preparing for the event at 15 o'clock in The Church of Our Lady / Vår Frues Kirke.

Knut Størdal and Notto Birkeland are tuning and making this famous church organ ready for the performance.

Nikon D3, Nikkor 24mm 2.8 ais/Nikkor af dc 135mm 2.0d/Nikkor afs 28-70mm 2.8d 

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